Manuscript process
The manuscript submitted through our journals system and if any technique difficulty the author can submit as pdf file through editor email. After the manuscript submission by the author/s, the Editor will review the manuscripts and if the Editor determines the manuscript is appropriate for the journals, it will be sent to two reviewers without revealing the identification of the authors. The Editors reserve the right to choose the reviewers. Based on the comments from the reviewers, the editor will make a final decision on the manuscript. The authors will be informed about reviewer’s comments, suggestions. Once the manuscript has been accepted, it would be copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. The corresponding author will receive a copy-edited article for any correction.
Cover letter
A cover letter should accompany all manuscripts submitted to journal indicating that the manuscript has been submitted essentially to this journal and has not previously been published in any form in another publication of any type, with the exception of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis. The corresponding author should give the undertaking that if any animal/human studies carried was in accordance with their country regulatory and institutional ethical committee with proper registration of the study in the clinical registry.