Title suggestion in SCOPUS
Contact information
Form of address: Prof.
Your first name and/or initials: Abdulameer
Your surname: Farhood
Function: Editor
My institution has access to Scopus: No
Institute: Muthanna University
Country: Iraq
Your relation to the journal: I am the (co-)editor-in-chief and/or the managing editor
Serial title information
Serial title: Muthanna Journal of Pure Science
Alternative serial title:
Print ISSN: 2226-3284
Type of serial publication: Journal
Primary field: Materials Science
Main field: Chemistry
Materials Science
Publisher: Other: BM-Publisher
Country of publisher: Iraq
Has this title been evaluated for Scopus coverage before: No
Additional information
Please describe the aims & scope of the title (in English): Muthanna Journal of Pure Science (MJPS) is official journal of Muthanna University/Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq in collaboration with BM-Publisher Its an open-access and peer-reviewed journal, covering all aspects relating to science. However our emphasis will be in the fields of physical sciences, earth sciences, life sciences, chemistry sciences, mathematics sciences, other applied sciences and technology. All manuscripts will be subject to review before publication. Submitted manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere or have already been published.
What is the start year (of current title): 2013
Has this title undergone any name changes, mergers or splits: No
Additional publisher contact name: BM-Puplisher/Duglas Hainz
Editorial contact name: Abdulameer Farhood
Additional editorial contact name: Amer B. Shalan
Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement URL: muthjps.com/en/guides/
Does the title have a homepage: Yes
Please state the URL: http://muthjps.com/en/home/
In case of an alternative homepage of the title (e.g. an English page if the main homepage is non-English), please state theURL of that homepage as well: http://muthjps.com/ar/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%87/
Is the content of this title available in electronic format: Yes
Please state the URL to the electronic content: http://muthjps.com/en/home/
Electronic content URL username:
Electronic content URL password:
Frequency (nr. of issues per year): 2
Frequency (continuous):
Frequency (other):
Nr. of items per year: 80
Are all articles published in English: Yes, all articles are published in English
Do all articles have English-language abstracts and article titles: Yes, all articles have English-language abstracts and article titles; in addition abstracts/article titles in other language(s) are offered
Abstracts in which other language(s): Arabic
Do the articles have references in Roman alphabet: All articles have all of their references in Roman alphabet
Which type of peer review applies to this title: Double-blind peer review
URL to the editorial board: http://muthjps.com/en/editors/
What is the geographic distribution of editors publishing in this title: National – different institutes
Please list which country: Iraq
Name and first name (or initials) of main handling Editor 1: Assist. Prof. Dr. Kasim Mohammed Hello
Affiliation main handling Editor 1: Muthanna University
Country main handling Editor 1: Iraq
Online professional information main handling Editor 1: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kasim_Mohammed3
Name and first name (or initials) of main handling Editor 2: Kathem H. Yassen
Affiliation main handling Editor 2: Almustanserea University
Country main handling Editor 2: Iraq
Online professional information main handling Editor 2: http://uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/news_archive-e.php?id_dept=4
Name and first name (or initials) of main handling Editor 3: Assist. Prof.Dr. Bahjat Ali Saeed
Affiliation main handling Editor 3: Al-Basrah University
Country main handling Editor 3: Iraq
Online professional information main handling Editor 3: There is no publically available professional information for this main handling editor.
What is the geographic distribution of authors publishing in this title: National – different institutes
Please list which country: Iraq
Is the title (co-)published by a scientific society: Yes
Please state the society: Muthanna University
Please state the society acronym:
Does the serial title have DOIs which are registered with CrossRef: Yes
Is the title already indexed in other bibliographic databases: Don't know
Does this title offer open access to its full-text content: Yes
Please specify document type: Single articles
Other comment/remarks:
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