Indexing Services
- DOI-Cross ref
- CrossCheck
- CrossMark Policy
- MathJax
- Epub
- Cited-by Linking
DOI is an abbreviated form for Digital Objective Identifier, a permanent unique identifier for an electronic document used to cite and link the published article electronically. This will enable researchers or readers to navigate electronically published articles at a citation level irrespective to publisher or journal.
The DOI links never break or change even when the publication content happens to migrate between systems or publishers. A single click will take the reader to the appropriate content location when DOI is implemented properly. This indicates persistence and actionability of DOI once it is linked to the content. DOI service also provides an added exposure to the content online and enables other publishers to link automatically.
CrossCheck & iThenticate Service

To find out more about CrossCheck visit
CrossMark is a multi-publisher initiative from the CrossRef organization to provide a standard way for readers to locate the final version of a document. A CrossMark logo will appear on a PDF file or HTML page indicating that the publisher is maintaining the published document through corrections, updates and retractions. Clicking the CrossMark logo reveals update information about the document and tells readers whether they are accessing the most recent and reliable version or not.
A project of the MathJax Consortium. It is a joint venture of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) to advance mathematical content on the web. MathJax is supported by the MathJax Sponsors.
The core of the MathJax project is the development of its open source, JavaScript for display of mathematics. The main objectives are
high-quality display of mathematical data in all browsers.
- support for MathML , LaTeX and other equation directly in the HTML source.
- no setup is required.
- an extensible design with a rich API for easy integration into web applications.
- interoperability with other applications.
- support for accessibility.
A free open e-book developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum. EPub was started with a hope that it can optimize any text in accordance with particular display device. It also supports fixed layout content. EPub can represent and encode any file format like HTML, CSS, SVG, images and other resources in a single file format. EPub allows the reader user friendly navigation anytime and is best suited for reading on any electronic devices. For using an EPub file, the reader has to install either EPub reader or Adobe Digital file which is available freely. By introducing EPub, we intend to assist the creation of a document, including data collection and annotation. Metadata such as the author’s information, DOI and supplementary files can be added without being lost and is easily accessible.
Cited-by Linking
Cited-by Linking is a service that allows you to discover how your publications are being cited and to incorporate that information into your online publication display page.